Tuesday 7 September 2010

A time to fly , a time to build

A recent blog entry ended with the rhetorical question about how long the golden glow of Provence would last. To which I received the comment 'depends only on you, how long it will last'.

That is at least partly true - but one's environment plays a strong role too. We've just had one of the wettest weeks in history (the tree that Anne Frank used to gaze at from her hiding place got blown in the storms two weeks ago) and there are many things in my environment that I would like to improve - although I'm not going to list them here. The day I got back I read this piece of guidance from Daisaku Ikeda, President of Soka Gakkai International .
"Certainly there will be times when you wish you had more spending money, more time to sleep and more time for fun and recreation. You may feel restricted now, but you should consider your present situation as the perfect set of circumstances for your growth. Within the restrictions that define your present existence the only thing to do is to discipline yourself and head in the direction of growth and self-improvement. In the process of exerting yourself in such endeavours you will without doubt build and strengthen your character".
Great advice on returning from holiday and settling down for the autumn. The coming months my focus will be on my Buddhist practice, on my Dutch (I want to pass the level 2A exam this year)and building my business - which may well mean less time for blogging and less time being focused on the restrictions that make my life smaller than I would like.

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